Ergil Successfully Completed Surge Vessel Fabrication for Socar Petkim Star Refinery 1

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Ergil Successfully Completed Surge Vessel Fabrication for Socar Petkim Star Refinery

ERGIL completed factory acceptance test for the surge vessel and deliver them successfully to Socar Petkim Star Refinery in Turkey. ERGIL, with a dedicated and experienced staff, offering high-quality oil, gas, water process equipment manufactured with professionalism, continues to extend its references in surge vessel (water hammer) segment. ERGIL offers a wide range of custom [...]

By |2023-06-13T13:04:55+00:00avril 21st, 2020|Actualités|0 Comments

ERGIL Proudly Contributed to the Expansion of the Transit Gas Pipeline Network of “TurkStream” on the Turkish – Bulgarian Border

ERGIL Proudly Contributed to the Expansion of the Transit Gas Pipeline Network of “TurkStream” on the Turkish - Bulgarian Border. TurkStream Project Overview TurkStream directly connects the large gas reserves in Russia to the Turkish gas transportation network, to provide reliable energy supplies for Turkey, south and southeast Europe. The offshore component of the system [...]

By |2023-06-13T13:00:46+00:00décembre 11th, 2019|Actualités|0 Comments

DNV Approves ERGIL as a Manufacturer of Welded Products

DNV (Det Norske Veritas) GL is a global quality assurance and risk management company, operating in more than 100 countries, that provides classification, technical assurance, software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil & gas, power and renewables industries. The company also provides certification, supply chain and data management services to customers across [...]

By |2023-06-13T12:59:13+00:00novembre 11th, 2019|Actualités|0 Comments

Ergil Is Among The Top 1000 Exporters Of Turkey

The Turkish Exporters’ Assembly announced its survey results of Turkey's Top 1000 Exporters in 2018.The ranking furthermore showed record-breaking numbers. According to the study, the top 1000 companies realized a total of 102.8 billion dollars of exports, an increase by 10.5 billion compared to the previous year. Äager is proud to announce that its brand [...]

By |2023-06-13T12:57:39+00:00août 12th, 2019|Actualités|0 Comments

ERGIL receives approval from the Northern Iraqi Regional Goverment Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)

Turkish Exporters’ Assembly announced its survey results of Turkey's Top 1000 Exporters in 2018. The ranking furthermore showed record-breaking numbers. According to the study, the top 1000 companies realized a total of 102.8 billion dollars of exports, an increase by 10.5 billion compared to the previous year. Äager is proud to announce that its brand [...]

By |2023-05-23T08:00:55+00:00août 12th, 2019|Actualités|0 Comments

ERGIL Successfully Received Approval of ‘’Product Pre-Qualification’’ for Surge Vessel from ADWEA

ERGIL, was successfully pre qualified for supply of surge vessels by the Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA) Key strenghths that enabled ERGIL to become pre-qualified by ADWEA were, its long experience with surge vessels, hi-tech manufacturing facility, well-qualified engineering team, the international standards it abides by and unique design codes it uses, such [...]

By |2023-06-13T12:56:03+00:00juin 14th, 2019|Actualités|0 Comments

ERGIL Proudly Announces: We have provided an example of versatile vendor for NOC-Iraq

An Äager Brand ERGIL added another success to its projects; North Oil Company (NOC-Iraq), which is a subsidiary of the Iraqi Petroleum Ministry, by supplying 2 pieces of 10,000 m³ capacity, non-fixed, external floating roof, crude oil tanks. ERGIL designs smallest and largest of the most complex atmospheric or pressure storage tanks and pressure vessels [...]

By |2023-06-13T12:51:41+00:00mai 12th, 2019|Actualités|0 Comments

ERGIL is proud to supply surge vessels to Energy Efficiency Improvement Project in the Jordanian Water Sector

ERGIL is supplying 15 high pressure bladder type surge vessels in Jordan. Surge Vessel is a powerful and user-friendly control system that protects your pipeline systems against water-hammer & pressure transient. “Surge vessels are important assets in the water treatment process,though incorrect maintenance and management can lead to issues in pipelines costs and the water [...]

By |2023-06-13T12:49:24+00:00novembre 30th, 2018|Actualités|0 Comments

Ergil Successfully Completed Gas Boot & Knockout Drum Separator Fabrication for Gazprom Neft

ERGIL completed factory acceptance test for the oil, gas, water separator gas booth and knock out drum and deliver them successfully to Gazprom Sarqala Project in Northern Iraq. ERGIL, with a dedicated and experienced staff, offering high-quality oil, gas, water process equipment manufactured with professionalism, continues to extend its references in separation segment. ERGIL offers [...]

By |2023-06-13T12:47:48+00:00mai 11th, 2018|Actualités|0 Comments
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