Proud to Announce Our Latest Project with BB Corporation in Bangladesh! 29

Desalinated Water Pipeline Project Completion in Morocco – Pig Launcher & Pig Receiver

Excited to announce the successful completion of our project for the JORF and Safi Desalinated Water Pipelines in Morocco. This project involved the design, material supply, fabrication, inspection, and testing, followed by packaging and shipment to hashtag#Casablanca Port. Our scope included: 1ea 56''-48''x900# PigLauncher 1ea 56''-52''x300# PigReceiver 2ea 28''-20''x300# Pig Launchers & Receivers Designed and [...]

By |2024-10-08T06:11:19+00:00août 8th, 2024|Projets|0 Comments
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