Gazprom Sarqala Oilfield Project Gasboot, Knock Out Drum, Separator Elements
Project Oveview and Challange
Gazprom Neft Middle East, a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft, has assumed the operatorship of the Sarqala field (Garmian block), located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).
Operatorship was transferred pursuant to the production sharing contract for this field, signed in 2012. Western Zagros Resources Ltd was previously operator on the project. Work on the field is now being managed by staff of Gazprom Neft Middle East.
First oil at the Garmian block was achieved in 2011, with commercial production commencing in 2015. As at 1 March 2016 total production at the field had reached 2.7 million tons.
Ergil provides appropriate solutions for refineries.
Degassing boot is a two phase separator (liquid/gas) with internals to induce the free gas separation to different operating conditions in liquid feed