Challenges in Hydrogen Pipeline Pig Launchers & Receivers Design and Operations 29

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Challenges in Hydrogen Pipeline Pig Launchers & Receivers Design and Operations

As global energy industries shift toward cleaner, renewable energy sources, hydrogen is emerging as a key player in the future of energy storage and transportation. Hydrogen, whether blended with methane or transported in its pure form, presents numerous technical challenges, especially for existing pipeline [...]

By |2024-11-28T06:28:26+00:00Kasım 28th, 2024|Vaka Çalışmaları ve Makaleler|0 Comments

Heat Exchanger | Precision Engineering for Efficient Heat Transfer

Discover how Ergil heat exchangers are revolutionizing the industry with cutting-edge technology and meticulous craftsmanship. In this video, we dive into the key features and processes that make our heat exchangers stand out, including: High-efficiency heat transfer Zero-tolerance CNC machining of tube sheets Automated welding with the advanced Makinato system Robust leak [...]

By |2024-11-25T06:54:56+00:00Kasım 23rd, 2024|Haberler|0 Comments

Desalinated Water Pipeline Project Completion in Morocco – Pig Launcher & Pig Receiver

Excited to announce the successful completion of our project for the JORF and Safi Desalinated Water Pipelines in Morocco. This project involved the design, material supply, fabrication, inspection, and testing, followed by packaging and shipment to hashtag#Casablanca Port. Our scope included: 1ea 56''-48''x900# PigLauncher 1ea 56''-52''x300# PigReceiver 2ea 28''-20''x300# Pig Launchers & Receivers Designed and [...]

By |2024-10-08T06:11:19+00:00Ağustos 8th, 2024|Projeler|0 Comments
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