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Industrie du pétrole et du gaz 9

Explore Our Products

ERGIL’s quality policy is based since its establishment on the value to offer
the best quality of products and services to national and international markets.

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Pressure Vessels

Pressure vessels are containers designed to safely store and transport substances under high pressure.

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Scrubber Systems

Scrubber systems remove pollutants from industrial exhaust gases, promoting cleaner air emissions.

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Multimedia Filters

Multimedia filters improve water quality by removing contaminants through multiple layers of filter media.

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Aluminum Dome Roof

Aluminum dome roofs provide durable and lightweight protection for structures.

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Storage Tank Equipment

Accessories for efficient and safe storage, handling, and monitoring of liquids or gases.

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Storage Tanks

Storage tanks are containers used for storing liquids or gases in a secure and controlled manner.

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Pipeline Pigging Systems

Cleaning or inspection devices (pigs) to remove debris or inspect the inner walls of pipelines.

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Heat Exchanger

Heat exchangers transfer heat between two fluids or gases, promoting efficient heat exchange.

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Surge Vessels

Surge vessels absorb and control pressure fluctuations in fluid or gas systems.

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Separator Filter & Vessels

Separate contaminants from fluids or gases, ensuring cleaner and more efficient operations.

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Silencers minimize noise pollution in industrial settings, ensuring a quieter and safer work environment.