WEBINAR: Introduction of Ergil Grup 15

Webinar: Exploring ASME Standards in Pressure Equipment Design

Join us for our 10th webinar focusing on Interstandard Compliance, Calculation Methods, Design Limitations, and Applications in Pressure Equipment Design as per ASME Standards. In this informative session, our speakers, Musa Atadan LEVENT, our Design Section Manager, and Bahri Can Ak our Design Engineer, will into essential aspects [...]

By |2024-04-25T13:52:31+00:004 апреля, 2024|События, Вебинары|0 Comments

Webinar – Pipeline Integrity Series 2: Surge Vessels

The second series of this webinar will lighten up your questions about ERGIL’s surge vessels. Questions such as surge vessels types, when it is needed, important parameters, specifications, and engineering details will be discussed in detail. Do not miss the webinar on October 19, 2022, at 14:00 GMT3+ with the presentation [...]

By |2023-09-26T13:30:39+00:0020 октября, 2022|События, Вебинары|0 Comments

Gaz Yıkama / Scrubber Sistemleri , Genel Problemler ve Çözümleri

Bir Äager markası olan Ergil’in endüstriyel baca gazı yıkama / Scrubber sistemleri hakkında detaylı sunumla eşliğinde düzenlediğimiz bu webinar'da atmosfere salınan gazların doğaya ve çevreye verdiği zararlara dikkat çekerek günümüz teknolojileri ile nasıl çözümler getirilebileceğini konuştuk. Özellikle son yıllarda yurtdışında regülasyonlarla desteklenen Scrubber sistemlerini, katılımcılar tarafından sorulan aşağıdaki sorularla, detaylıca inceledik. [...]

By |2023-09-26T12:34:11+00:0011 августа, 2022|События, Вебинары|0 Comments

Scrubber Systems Webinar

Do you have questions about how to control the emission rates of your facilities? We are waiting for you to our webinar about Scrubber Systems, this Friday (August 5, 2022). In this webinar, we will have a detailed question-answer section as well as a technical/commercial presentation from our R&D Officer. [...]

By |2023-09-26T12:17:32+00:006 августа, 2022|События, Вебинары|0 Comments
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