ERGIL successfully completed skid equipment pigging equipment order for shell – Majnoon Project in Iraq
Jan 22 2013- Istanbul, TURKEY – ERGIL Group, a worldwide leader in engineering, construction and manufacturing for oil, gas, water, chemical and petrochemical industries today announced that received an order for complete skid pigging system from Shell Iraq Operations for Majnoon Oil Field Project. ERGIL, Rhino Process Equipment is handling engineering, design, purchasing, fabrication, and testing. The project is targeted for completion by Dec, 2012. Majnoon Oil field is a super-giant oil field located 60 km (37 mi) from Basra, Basra Governorate in southern Iraq. Majnoon is one of the richest oil fields in the world with an estimated 23-25 billion and proven reserves of 12.6 billion of barrels of oil in place.