ERGIL Implemented Customized Engineering Industrial Automation, Manufacturing Integration, Intelligence, and Plant Data Reporting, Analytics Services.
In recent months, a major Turkish engine company approached ERGIL® when looking into one of their current fuel sites to complete the fuel transfer unit to the test area of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) jet engines. ERGIL designed, fabricated, delivered, assembled and installed a fully integrated automation system on the field with two stainless steel storage tanks (300lt capacity, complying with 316 L1 or JETA1 fuels) and folding stairs together with Storagetech™ tank equipment such as flame arrestors, gauge hatches, valves, emergency relief vents, ex-proof electronic level indicators, pressure regulators, load cells, pipes and automation devices. The systems were designed with superior quality materials and required standards & certificates (ASME, ATEX, CE Marking, EX proof)
ERGIL team constructed the pipeline system, complying with jet A1 fuel under ASME B36, 19 practices and applied to the production of AISI 304 stainless steel pipe on the facilities. Additionally, manufactured of 2 (two) S-300 type service box, pump outlet connection, ball valve, regulator, record, check valve and other fasteners which are applicable for required locations in the pipeline from the main tank and pump outlet, delivered in working condition on the facilities.
In this project, ERGIL did not only provide stainless steel storage tanks along with tank equipment but provided and installed an electronic automation system that operates tank mixers with all the necessary elements. In the automation, ERGIL team implented quality software brand to have smooth operation with the system. Moreover, they countered MMC Panels, Operator panel monitor, level probe, echo pump with ex-proof equipment for the fuel-oil mixture and automatic filling of the connection lines such as the pre-start and stop valves, emergency vents, sensors, boxes, etc were connected and delivered on site.
How does the system work?
First, the fuel tank on the folding stairs fills from the oil tank on the ground at the rate of 5% and the panel commands to cut oil flow by 5% and the main tank fills the remaining 95%, then the automation commands to cut it as well. Product passing through oil and fuel tank through flow meters reflects on the main screen and reports. It will be a system that indicates how much product passes through at which times. When we reach a certain level to determine the level of the fuel tank, the signal showes up on the screen and the oil and fuel tank filled again. Thus, this system provides convenience, safe and economic operation for plant applications.