Our Quality Policy

  • To be a globally recognized company that offers high-quality products and services to national and international markets, believes in unconditional customer satisfaction with all employees through quality awareness, continuously renews itself within the framework of continuous improvement, and complies with all regulations, administrative arrangements, and other requirements related to our activities.
  • To review our business processes through self-assessment and ensure that risk-based thinking identifies preventive approaches to enhance our performance.
  • To raise the efficiency of all our processes to a level that can compete internationally, in line with the approach of continuous improvement.
  • To encourage innovative and creative approaches and conduct training to enhance technical and behavioral competencies.
  • To achieve company and departmental objectives with a team spirit based on Total Quality Philosophy, Lean Production, and Continuous Improvement principles.
  • To document, certify, and continuously improve our quality management system to meet the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
  • To ensure timely service delivery by accurately perceiving and evaluating the current and future expectations and needs of our customers. To effectively assess customer satisfaction, suggestions, and complaints.
  • To enhance strengths, address weaknesses, and develop policies that transform relevant risks into opportunities.
  • To produce the most appropriate, accurate, and economical solutions in the most efficient way, and to prevent potential nonconformities in the future.


Our Environmental Policy

  • To comply with all environmental legislation, administrative regulations, and other requirements related to our activities.
  • To ensure the continuous improvement of our management systems by setting appropriate targets to enhance their performance and ensuring their monitoring and implementation.
  • To take and implement measures to reduce the consumption of resources such as electricity, fuel, and water.
  • To implement measures to minimize waste generated during our activities, and to manage waste through reuse and recycling.
  • To plan and implement measures to minimize environmental damage in the event of any accidents or emergencies during our activities.
  • To raise awareness among all our employees and business partners to achieve success in environmental matters.
  • To take preventive actions in all activities to prevent air, water, and soil pollution.
  • To fulfill the obligations related to significant environmental aspects of national and international laws and other requirements in force.
  • To work with suppliers on the basis of cooperation and trust that ensures quality, environmental sensitivity, and occupational safety, thereby reducing costs, increasing efficiency and long-term profitability, and continuously improving environmental performance.


Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

  • To comply with all occupational health and safety (OHS) legislation, administrative regulations, and other requirements related to our activities.
  • To assess all risks related to occupational diseases and OHS, and take necessary precautions.
  • To eliminate hazards at their source with the participation of all employees, aiming for zero workplace accidents and zero occupational diseases.
  • To ensure the continuous improvement of our management systems by setting appropriate OHS targets, monitoring them, and ensuring their implementation.
  • To plan and implement measures to minimize losses in the event of any accidents or emergencies during our activities.
  • To raise awareness among all employees and business partners about OHS, and to establish the habitual use of personal protective equipment.
  • To work with suppliers on the basis of cooperation and trust that ensures quality, environmental sensitivity, and workplace safety, thereby reducing costs, improving overall OHS performance, productivity, and long-term profitability.
  • To conduct timely and accurate risk analyses to identify and eliminate hazards in advance.
  • To meet identified resource needs for OHS in a timely and complete manner, continuously improving them to create a safer and healthier working environment for everyone.
  • To ensure consultations with employee representatives and the active participation of employees, committing to collaboration with their representatives in their workplaces.